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Sandro Giuliani APS Cultural Association

The Association, excluding any political or profit-making purpose, aims to promote, support, stimulate and disseminate the knowledge of Sandro Giuliani’s work through the organization of public and private exhibitions, conferences, debates, conventions and cultural events, the publication of essays and specialized works in the press and audiovisual media.

The Association may also:
> disseminate the material published by the Association or by other associations, companies, institutes and organizations concerning Giuliani’s work;
> plan guided participation in exhibitions, cultural meetings, screenings and educational trips;
> promote initiatives within schools, in agreement with the competent authorities, and similar initiatives aimed at workers through the structures that represent them;
> establish prizes, award scholarships for research, for the collection of documentation, for degree theses and studies on Giuliani’s personality and work;
> promote any and all other activities aimed at achieving the aims of the Association.

In any case, the Association will direct its activity towards the public, using the tools and environments that are most suitable: public and private galleries, museums, institutes and cultural centres, public and private spaces, even occasionally arranged, and will use all means of communication and diffusion available with the technologies in use.

Download the statute of the association (IT language)

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